RAF Camora

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 RAF Camora
Wednesday | 08.06.2022

RAF Camora


Infos zu RAF Camora

You can say what you like about the music of RAF Camora, but there is one thing you must acknowledge without envy: With his songs and albums, RAF Camora has achieved something that no other artist has achieved in many years. The hiphop artist and producer, whose real name is Raphael Ragucci, has brought dancehall back into the charts and into the mainstream. 


For the first time, Camora came into contact with hiphop in the Vienna district of Rudolfsheim-Fünfhau, where Ragucci grew up. With Crew Rapatoi the growing up Ragucci earned his first merits in the Austrian rap scene in his youth - on the mic and as a producer of his tracks. His first national success came in the noughties with the rap group Balkan-Express, who performed at the SPLASH festival. 


After these first successes, Camora really took off at the beginning of the past decade and became a permanent fixture on the German-speaking rap scene. Already with his 2nd studio album Hoch 2, Ragucci managed to jump to the top of the German album charts. Camora's 5th LP Anthrazit jumped to number 1 in the Austrian and German charts and became a permanent guest there for several weeks. 


A big success for the Austrian Camora was also the collaboration with the Hamburg Bonez MC. Together, the two sprechgesang artists released the albums Palmen aus Plastik 1 and Palmen aus Plastik 2, which both received consistently positive reviews in the trade press. In 2019 Bonez and Camora went on tour together, which became one of the biggest tours in German-speaking hiphop history and was repeated in the same year due to its enormous success.


A drop of bitterness for fans of the bustling hiphop worker is his announcement that his 6th studio album Zenit, released in 2019, will also be his last.
